8. Semester
Bachelor thesis
Halde Deusenberg/Dortmund
The Ruhr region has been undergoing a transformation process for many years: away from the coal and steel industry and toward a modern service society. Open space plays a significant role in the transformation of the former industrial areas, becoming the engine of urban development. The task was to develop the Deusenberg slag heap and the “Future Garden” green corridor into attractive places and impulse generators. The idea was to understand former non-places – a landfill site, a steel mill and a railroad wasteland – as an urban experimental field and to transform them into a place for sports, leisure and recreation. In the process, a strategy was tested that can change the face of our cities not only in the Ruhr region, but nationwide.
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Birgit Kröniger,
Prof. Rainer Sachse